The journey through the book 33 Days to Eucharistic Glory -- our cluster Christmas gift -- offers everyone the opportunity to dedicate ourselves more fully to the will of God, helping us to surrender our distractions and selfishness, and to better respond to God’s grace in our lives.
Why not make this journey along with others? Want to see a change in the world? Want to see a change in the growth of the Catholic Church? This is a great place to start! Let’s share and encourage one another in small group gatherings! We’d love to host small group discussions following Mass at each parish. There will be a total of eight sessions beginning the weekend of January 26th, where participants will enjoy food, fellowship, prayer, and discussion.
There is a study guide for leaders, but each group may proceed as they wish with the discussion—keeping it light, or diving in deep. Begin reading now if you wish, or wait until we begin small groups. Call the office if you would like more details, or if you are interested in participating or leading a small group at one of our parishes. You may also register online here:
Based on sign-ups so far, we’re excited to organize small groups following Mass at St. Joseph on Saturdays and St. Boniface on Sundays. At St. Boniface, we already have a leader and participants—please consider joining them! At St. Joseph, several individuals are interested in forming a small group, but we still need a leader. Please prayerfully consider whether God is calling you to step forward and lead this group!