Brothers, we ask that you plan to come to our next council meeting on Tuesday, November 12, at St. Peter Church in Cameron.
We invite you to attend Mass at 5:00 PM, then enjoy a hot dinner prepared by Raymond at 5:30 PM. We will begin our meeting at 6:00 PM.
Our council is very active, with fall being a busy time for us!
We continue our Pot Pie weekends each month. We offer take-and-bake chicken pot pies to the cluster on the first weekends of the month, from September-February. All proceeds go to our cluster faith formation program to educate our youth in the Catholic faith.
We continue our monthly pancake breakfastson the third Sunday of each month through February at St. Peter. Proceeds are used to support various needs and activities in our parishes, or individuals or groups who need a helping hand. Our next pancake breakfast is November 17.
We are sponsoring our annual "It's OK to Say Merry Christmas to Me" button design contest. Designs are due by November 17. These buttons are a small and fun way to evangelize our faith and invite conversation about Christ and Christmas.
We are sponsoring a free showing of "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever" movie on Saturday, November 23, at 10:00 AM at the CEC Lake 7 Theatre in Rice Lake. This is our way of saying "Thank You" to our cluster family for their support of our activities throughout the year. All cluster parishioners and their families and friends are invited to attend. We will also collect food items for local food pantries at this event.
We welcome new members at any time! If you are a Catholic man 18 years or older, the Knights of Columbus would like you to join us in our journey. We are like-minded Catholic men serving our church and community the way Jesus has asked of all of us. This is also a great way to grow in your Catholic faith.
Contact Grand Knight David Nelson, 715-554-3273, or Deputy Grand Knight, Raymond Kressin, 715-642-0317.