The Latin words “Corpus Christi” translate to “Body of Christ.”
The Solemnity of Corpus Christi is a feast that honors Jesus Christ, Really, Truly and Substantially Present under the appearances of bread and wine.
What is the Corpus Christi procession? Whenever the Eucharist is exposed for adoration of the people, it is placed in a sacred vessel called a Monstrance, whose clear glass permits the viewing of the Sacred Host. Such Exposition can take several forms, on the altar in a parish, for adoration and prayer; public devotions such as Eucharistic Benediction; and public processions on Corpus Christi, or at other times. The faithful usually sing and pray, all in honor of our Eucharistic King.
“Every year the feast of Corpus Christi invites us to renew the wonder and joy for this wonderful gift of the Lord, which is the Eucharist.” ~ Pope Francis
Click here to learn more about the Solemnity of Corpus Christi.
Solemnities, Feasts, and Memorials are days which are celebrated in commemoration of the sacred mysteries and events recorded in the history of our redemption, in memory of the Virgin Mother of Christ, or of His apostles, martyrs, and saints.