Jesus commissioned the disciples to "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you..." (Mt 28:19-20)
We, too, are called to evangelize, just as the disciples were. At its heart, evangelization is the act of sharing the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Good News of salvation with others. But where do we start? Where we always do: with Jesus!
We ALL need a little Jesus -- truly a LOT of Jesus -- in our lives. To provide a visual reminder of His presence, and to encourage each of us to start our evangelization by living as Jesus taught, we are offering Little Jesus figurines to every member of our cluster family.
Having this small reminder of Jesus nearby can be comforting and uplifting in several ways:Let's have some fun and show each other -- and the world -- how present Jesus is in our daily lives by 1) living as Jesus taught, and 2) sharing pictures of where our "Little Jesus" goes with us! See the back of the card handed out with your figurine for details on where to send your photos. We look forward to sharing these on our website and Facebook page!