Brothers, we ask that you plan to come to our next council meeting on Tuesday, December 10, at St. Peter Church in Cameron.
We invite you to attend Mass at 5:00 PM, then enjoy a hot dinner at 5:30 PM. We will begin our meeting at 6:00 PM.
We had a very busy month of November!
We hosted a well-attended free-movie morning and food drive as a "Thank You" to our cluster family.
We selected the design for our 2024 "It's OK to Say Merry Christmas to Me" button. If you didn't get yours yet, be sure to pick one up in your parish entry. We invite you to share the joy of the coming of Christ the King with your button. If someone says "I like your button," give them yours and pick up another one the next time you go to Mass!
Our pot pies continue to be a big seller, with all proceeds going to our Faith Formation programs. We've raised $400.00 so far this season and we still have three months to go. Our next Pot Pie Pickup is January 4-5.
November's pancake breakfast proceeds went to support the St. Peter Giving Tree. Our next pancake breakfast is December 15, with the proceeds going to helpCameron couple Caylee Pierce and Deric Miller, who lost all of their belongings in a fire on November 26.
None of this would be possible without the dedication of our Brothers in Christ from the Knights of Columbus, and the backing from you, the parishioners of this cluster. We thank you all! With the guidance and wisdom we get from God, may we continue to serve our cluster and surrounding community.
We welcome new members at any time! If you are a Catholic man 18 years or older, the Knights of Columbus invite you to come see what we are all about. We are like-minded Catholic men serving our church and community the way Jesus has asked of all of us. This is also a great way to grow in your Catholic faith.
Contact Grand Knight David Nelson, 715-554-3273, or Deputy Grand Knight, Raymond Kressin, 715-642-0317.