Annual Meat Raffle tickets are in for 2024. Soon we will be selling tickets after Masses and in venues around the area. Be sure to get your tickets!
Brothers, we ask that you plan to come to our next council meeting on Tuesday, June 11, at 6:00 PM at St. Peter church in Cameron. Our council is very active and we need your advice and input.
Knowing that some of us may be coming from work and not able to get dinner in before the meeting, Raymond will have a hot dinner for you to enjoy. This month's meal will be brats and hot dogs.
If you are a Catholic man 18 years or older, the Knights of Columbus would like you to join us in our journey. We are like-minded Catholic men serving our church and community the way Jesus has asked of all of us. This is also a great way to grow in your Catholic faith.
Contact Grand Knight David Nelson, 715-554-3273, or Deputy Grand Knight, Raymond Kressin, 715-642-0317.